Table of Contents

1. A BusinessMan 2. A Factory Worker 3. Birth of Gavinska 4. Broken Company 5. Dead Sames 6. Good Guy 7. He is a Lucifer 8. Nicest 9. Aabera is Powerfull 10. Not Great 11. Vattimal's Factory 12. Wicked Man 13. A Heaven's Tale 14. Best Friends 15. Fell from Heaven 16. Gborea Has Fallen 17. Kalerum is a Corpse 18. Man with the Heavy Soul 19. Oweile 20. Son of Isolo 21. The Best 22. The Librarian 23. What's Wrong with Him 24. Wise Man 25. Zuluwaka 26. Cursed Teachers 27. My loved Son 28. Plane Crash 29. Projects Man 30. The Factory Researcher 31. The Ghost of Dederai 32. Wise was Bossiah 33. Donlema's Son 34. Beroondel 35. Thanks to Prayers

9. Aabera is Powerfull

Chapter One

Aabera was depressed. She was a programmer who had no idea of a program to write. She thought long and hard and everything appeared difficult.

The Computer Lord (Gartogade) spoke to her saying “In his own life, he had noticed that few hard products (something sellable) are usually available. Even though some of them are not in his line of course.”

She decided to go with her Lord’s opinion.

She prayed and asked of Zarra. Aabera asked Zara if any hand written a program she was avoiding. Zara’s response was many had failed trying to write the program.

So she attempted it.

Chapter Two

After six months and with help from prayers she wrote the program. The program came out within one year which was the period that a program must have been written.

Since God usually knows what happens on earth, he came to see Aabera and gave her many rewards for the program. Among the rewards included the power to hear some thoughts on special occasions.

She was glad.

Aabera asked God why the rewards were so much and God replied that “He pays more for hard tasks”.

Chapter Three

Not everyone is loved. And so it was that some wicked people were on their way to rob Breakerross. Only because Breakerross was a wealthy man. He was a factory boss.

Aabera happened to be trekking to some friend’s place when she came across some men.

And she heard their thoughts which were all about robbing Breakerross.

In Aabera’s eyes Breakerross was a great man. He created a lot of employment in his area. And that had led to more people coming into the area.

And thus, she prayed for him.

Chapter Four

Nicomon (second best Soul Man) approached God asking for a programmer in heaven. Said he had waited a long time for a programmer.

And God decided to take Aabera from the earth.

Aabera died at 37. She didn’t even have time to write a will for her small wealth.

Chapter Five

Aabera’s program was quite good. When the advert for it got to Yotogood, he really loved it.

It was good to Yotogood so he decided to advertise it to some of his friends. A friend asked if he will be paid from the late Aabera’s company.

Yotogood said no.

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