16. Gborea Has Fallen
Chapter One
Who was to be blamed for Gborea’s fall. First was Kalkulo.
Kalkulo planted his trees only in Gborea. Kalkulo knew many things. Including earth making and plant making. But he doesn’t know how to locate his trees.
Kalkulo’s trees were raw materials for two factories. And this was the lust that led to Gborea’s fall.
Chapter Two
The second to be blamed was the teachers God assigned to Gborea. They taught hard religion in Gborea. While the teachers of Illerac, their neighbours taught easy religion.
This led to the fact that the population of Gborea became twenty (20) million, and the population of Illerac became one hundred and twenty (120) million.
Chapter Three
A Prophet was happy that he had three sons, of which two were destined to be factory bosses.
But when he saw that war was coming to his beloved Gborea (where he lived), he began to lament saying: I have no children who are soldiers.
Chapter Four
In Heaven, there was a party. The party was about the rewards God was giving Kalkulo for his trees.
A Holy Spirit was offended and spoke up to God saying that four of her children died in the war for Kalkulo’s trees. And that Kalkulo’s rewards should be reduced because he knew no location.
God then said locating a business is a lot of books.
She responded that there was a shortcut and that was to pray to God to tell him the location.
And God said: Shut up high woman, for Kalkulo knows many things. And can be said to be awesome even though he doesn’t know how to locate his trees.