25. Zuluwaka
Chapter One
Zuluwaka was called by God in her dreams to be a teacher.
Her favorite song was:
A boy approached his father telling him he wanted to study Factory. His father suggested Accounting. The boy still kept pressing him for Factory. And the father agreed.
Then the boy told his father that if his father keeps sending only one song to his father’s music group for an album, how will he study factory?
His father responded that was why I told you to study Accounting.
Chapter Two
Zuluwaka’s father was called Isolo. His father’s favourite song was:
After the death of Jerrubabil, ten bands stopped singing. And the amount of criminals in the country increased.
Chapter Three
Zuluwaka found no means (including words) to tell her father that she preferred Molech’s teaching to that of her father’s people.
Her father had four factories.
From her father’s people to get an inheritance you must pass through an exam conducted by Prayers. And since she was a teacher she would be given a small amount.
But her father’s chief cleaner had a son who was a factory child. This factory child would receive more money than her since he was a factory child.
This was against Molech’s teachings.
Chapter Four
Her father usually came to teach her some teachings.
In one of his teachings, he complained about Zulmathu who was under the teachings of Molech.
Zulmathu complained that computers were too difficult. And to reduce these difficulties, cartoons should be purged from computers.
And his father concluded that anyone under the teachings of Molech is a lazy person.