27. My loved Son
Chapter One
Goodallum needed a vehicle as all peoples on earth do. God even said that a man who has no vehicle is dead.
He decided to beg his father for a car. He expected a good car since his father had three great markets which he had established more than five years ago.
Chapter Two
His father (Dondama) got him a vehicle. Goodallum didn’t appreciate his father by saying thank you. This provoked Dondama to speak saying: My son you don’t like the vehicle.
Goodallum: Yes father, this is a 2011 vehicle in the year 2023. Father, I was hoping for a 2018 vehicle.
Dondama: Sorry my son. I was sent by God to start a factory and I haven’t done so. I didn’t have much so I built those markets to raise the money. I have to build a factory so that I can get closer to heaven.
Chapter Three
Goodallum’s mother also spoke after his father left. She said: My son, sorry for the vehicle. God is both father of the poor and rich. And thus we need to also take care of the poor so that we can get closer to heaven.
Goodallum: No problems, mother. I pray you get strengthened for your pursuits.