29. Projects Man
Chapter One
Donelleha was happy. His father left him with enough inheritance to execute two projects or companies.
He then went through all his calculations which he did with a spreadsheet software and stored in his laptop.
Donelleha got a dream from God giving him the wage to pay for his workers. And announced that he, the God of men’s bodies and plants, is also the Lord of Banks.
Chapter Two
Donelleha was depressed from that dream. And true it was that when God sets the wages the bosses weep.
Donelleha knew he had some limitations or what some would call weaknesses. And the God in his dreams always filled that gap.
Donelleha agrees totally that all men must pray. And it is known that for prayers to be answered then the laws and teachings of God must be adhered to.
And thus Donelleha executed only one project.
Chapter Three
A dream sent to Donelleha:
Have you noticed that your staff don’t seem to know a particular subject? Send fifteen percent (15%) of your wealth to teachers.
Donelleha died with the execution of four projects. And his last project was a two component factory.