Table of Contents

1. A BusinessMan 2. A Factory Worker 3. Birth of Gavinska 4. Broken Company 5. Dead Sames 6. Good Guy 7. He is a Lucifer 8. Nicest 9. Aabera is Powerfull 10. Not Great 11. Vattimal's Factory 12. Wicked Man 13. A Heaven's Tale 14. About Carlsbergo 15. Best Friends 16. Fell from Heaven 17. Finding a Factory Boss 18. Gborea Has Fallen 19. Kalerum is a Corpse 20. Man with the Heavy Soul 21. Oweile 22. Son of Isolo 23. The Best 24. The Librarian 25. What's Wrong with Him 26. Wise Man 27. Zuluwaka 28. A Farm in Landolum 29. Cursed Teachers 30. His Galada 31. My loved Son 32. Plane Crash 33. Projects Man 34. The Factory Researcher 35. The Ghost of Dederai 36. Wise was Bossiah 37. Donlema's Son 38. Beroondel 39. Thanks to Prayers

23. The Best

Chapter One

There was a wealthy man in the area where Janjugu lived. The wealthy man’s name was Dondiem.

Janjugu was indeed brilliant. He asked Dondiem for funding for a factory. The factory’s product would have two components. Dondiem willingly agreed.

So also did Vattimutau live close to Dondiem. He asked Dondiem for funding for a factory. The factory’s product would have seven components. Dondiem complained of its difficulty since the number of components tells of its difficulty.

After a lot of arguing and praying by Vattimutau, Dondiem agreed.

Chapter Two

Years after the two factories were established, God loved the two factories and decided to reward the factory bosses.

To Janjugu he gave three sames and to Vattimutau he gave eleven sames.

Janjugu complained about how they were both factory men and that why should God give more to Vattimutau. God responded that the number of components of a factory object tells us of its difficulty.

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